Dagens Citat: Male and female

For the first time in my life I felt I understood what might be the meaning of the expression ‘male,’ and, as I lay before him, too, dimly, it frightening me, what might be the meaning of the expression ‘female.’ How beautiful I thought I must look to him, lying bound, totally vulnerable, helpless at […]

Dagens Citat: Strength in weakness

“In your weakness and need, and love,” I said, “in your honesty, and truth, you are a thousand times stronger, and greater, than such caricatures of women, than such travesties of women, than such pseudomales and facsimile men, denying themselves and their feelings, holding themselves rigid, not daring to feel or be themselves.” ~ Renegades […]

Dagens Citat: Comfort in roughness

I did not always want gentleness. It did not displease me to be forced to recognize, and incontrovertibly, and with my whole body, that I was in a man’s arms, those of a true man, and was a slave. Sometimes, I confess, I even wanted the whip, not for its pain, which I feared, but […]